Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Beat and the Heat Goes on

The summer heat has been intense this year. I can't say I remember it being so unbearable in years past, but I'm sure it has and I'm sure I will probably say the same thing next year. My friend Vered has been adjusting to life without her center, but let's just say she has had something to keep her mind occupied! The above picture is one snapshot of this afternoon I spent with her while she fed these two adorable baby ostriches. Because of her expertise with animal nutrition, a local facility has enlisted her support. These chicks were developing bone problems due to too much protein in their diets. Vered must feed them several times a day and they eat up to 2 whole heads of romaine lettuce per day in addition to other grains and food items. What a treat it always is for me to see something I've never seen before and be privileged to be so close to such an adorable baby of the largest bird on earth!

Speaking of different animals, here's a great shot my husband took of some prairie dogs we saw on our recent trip to Denver Colorado towards the end of July. Their burrows were smack dab in the middle of the median of road to the airport. Luckily for them, as prairie dogs are regularly killed in the thousands because of their burrowing habit which causes a hazard for herds of grazing cattle and horses. While it certainly must be a heartbreak to lose an animal this way, it is also hard to think about these cute little critters being mass exterminated just because of their "home building" ways.
Overall, though, the Rocky Mountains afford some breathtaking views quite different from the Florida landscape. This cool mountain stream was just begging to be rafted.

We found a great little museum up in the Rockies at the site of Buffalo Bill's grave. It played homage to not only Buffalo Bill, but the Native American tribes of the plains. Pictured above is the exhibit displaying a portrait of Sitting Bull and some of his personal items including a beautiful ceremonial war bonnet. There is a website that is devoted to the life history of Buffalo Bill and the exhibits at this museum at

Well that's about all for now cowboys and cowgirls, back to the soupy heat of South Florida. Happy trails to you.....until we meet again.

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